On Pause

Howdy ya'll! Long time no see!I've not updated the website in just over a year now, so I thought IHowdy ya'll! Long time no see!

I've not updated the website in just over a year now, so I thought I'd give a wee explanation to asure you I'm still around! There have been big changes in my life the past few years and things keep getting better.

First off, this website has always been one for putting my non-specific stuff on, and I did it nicely for a while. I've been so busy this year that the only thing I've managed to update on this site was one link. Many sites on "the network" have also been neglected, like DHD and Madras FPs. Those sites aren't gone for good, just don't be expecting any wonderful feature additions anytime soon!

I've been putting my web talents to better (and higher paying) uses. As well as being contracted to do web development work for other companies, I have put some time into "Idut" (guess where the name came from, answers on a postcard).

I have a final year of uni still to do but I'm not too concerned with it because I recently signed a contract for a company who I'm starting with when I graduate... doing web development nevertheless!

Its funny how some things turn out. Reading back on past news articles, some of the ideas I had bearly got off the ground whilst others are the basis for bigger and successful projects.

I'm not pushing the big red stop button just yet (I've just renewed the domain!)... but I will press the pause.