veadas's blog

Sun Sheep

I have created a new data mashup site called "Sun Sheep". The idea is simple, enter the name of 2 movies and it will list every actor who appears in both of the movies as well as their character names and a links to further resources.

The service will definately retain the "beta" tag for the foreseeable future and any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Access Sun Sheep at

Race To Infinity And Beyond

A new website has been launched which shows a league table of BT's "Race To Infinity" campaign which will give the top 5 BT exchanges an upgrade to Fibre Broadband by the end of 2012. The league table can be found at


The BT website is available here where you can vote for your local exchange.


Site changes

I've moved the site onto a new CMS and imported the news/blog entries from the old site into the new blog which can be found at

Things that didn't get moved include the gallery, WikiWacky machines and the guestbook which contained about 8 years of comments (its saved, just not public anymore).

I may start to use this site again for useful things... we'll see :)

On Pause

Howdy ya'll! Long time no see!I've not updated the website in just over a year now, so I thought IHowdy ya'll! Long time no see!

I've not updated the website in just over a year now, so I thought I'd give a wee explanation to asure you I'm still around! There have been big changes in my life the past few years and things keep getting better.

My World

Yesterday I undertook a wee project. You can see the final outcome on the right here.I bought a new

Quote of the Day

A one of edition of the wonder that is "Quote of the Day":"There are only 10 types of people in t

"Keep on rocking" - Beast Style

Radio? Whats that? Well it's an invention from way back in the dark ages ("Well they didn't call

Glad to see some spam

Today was the first day that I was glad to see some spam in my inbox, strange but true.For the past

Site: VNRGA service disabled & feedback form restored

The bad news is that the VEAdas Networks Remote Guestbook Access service no longer runs.This is beca

Site: Initiate random rambling

You might have noticed some slight changes to the site. Well let me start from the begining.I got an

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