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Below are some of the latest articles posted to


August 27, 2011, 8:39 pm

One problem with developing both windows and web applications, is sometimes a client asks for a simple WinForms control that is in their windows application and they want to use the same control on their website. I've found one of the most common requests is a Combo Box. Of course the HTML specification doesn't support Combo Boxes, alternatives include a combination of funky looking plugins. I wanted to have a simple and native looking combo box.

Phase Server - PHP Web Server

March 7, 2011, 12:37 am

Introducing Phase Server - PHP Web Server. Phase Server is a simple and lightweight web server written in PHP which can serve up PHP web pages as well as static content (images, css, javascript, etc.).

Current Version: 0.1
Last Modified: 6th March 2011
Licence: GPL v2

Sun Sheep

January 27, 2011, 10:43 pm

I have created a new data mashup site called "Sun Sheep". The idea is simple, enter the name of 2 movies and it will list every actor who appears in both of the movies as well as their character names and a links to further resources.

The service will definately retain the "beta" tag for the foreseeable future and any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Access Sun Sheep at

Race To Infinity And Beyond

October 8, 2010, 1:31 pm

A new website has been launched which shows a league table of BT's "Race To Infinity" campaign which will give the top 5 BT exchanges an upgrade to Fibre Broadband by the end of 2012. The league table can be found at


The BT website is available here where you can vote for your local exchange.


MSSQL vs SQLSRV Speed Comparison

February 24, 2010, 5:09 pm

For a good while, I have used PHP with a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database on the back end. Microsoft have taken a keen interest in PHP and have contributed a great deal to the PHP community, none more so than by creating the Microsoft SQL Server Driver for PHP.

Publish to Drupal using Microsoft Word 2007

August 5, 2009, 6:28 pm

In this article I will show you how to use Microsoft Word 2007 to post to your Drupal website. The reason that I occasionally use Word to post directly to Drupal is purely as a quick way to put images into a post without having to worry about cropping, resizing or uploading using a third-party tool.


Drupal Setup

To start with, you will need to setup Drupal to allow you to post from Word.

Use a website uptime monitoring service as a simple cron alternative

August 3, 2009, 8:49 pm

Cron is great for running jobs on web servers, but it's fairly common for hosting companies to either disable jobs completely or have users submit their scripts to them in order for them to be setup as a job using cron.

There is however a simple way to get round this that doesn't involve multiple support tickets to your hosting provider. It also has the added benefit of providing uptime monitoring alerts to let you know if your host is having "technical issues."

Site changes

August 1, 2009, 5:23 pm

I've moved the site onto a new CMS and imported the news/blog entries from the old site into the new blog which can be found at

Things that didn't get moved include the gallery, WikiWacky machines and the guestbook which contained about 8 years of comments (its saved, just not public anymore).

I may start to use this site again for useful things... we'll see :)

On Pause

August 30, 2007, 5:33 pm

Howdy ya'll! Long time no see!I've not updated the website in just over a year now, so I thought IHowdy ya'll! Long time no see!

I've not updated the website in just over a year now, so I thought I'd give a wee explanation to asure you I'm still around! There have been big changes in my life the past few years and things keep getting better.

My World

August 13, 2006, 11:24 am

Yesterday I undertook a wee project. You can see the final outcome on the right here.I bought a new

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